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190 sürümlü 8 ürün bulundu
For perfect final sanding (finish sanding) of flat and slightly profiled components made of steel or stainless steel with strict requirements for decorative surfaces.
For perfect intermediate sanding of flat and slightly profiled components made of steel or stainless steel with constant surface quality (roughness) over the entire service life of the belt. For applications with strict requirements for decorative surfaces.
For perfect pre-sanding of flat and slightly profiled components made of steel or stainless steel with strict requirements for decorative surfaces.
High-quality universal sanding belt for woodworking in general, especially softwood
The long sanding belt is available in various dimensions and can be tailored to your requirements. Simply ask your Würth sales representative.
Long sanding belt, metal, paper VSM KP709
Long sanding belt, metal paper VSM XP780
F-paper base with aluminium oxide grain, half-open scattering, for extremely high loads (e.g. calibration).
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