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137 sürümlü 12 ürün bulundu
For matting, burnishing and finishing (final grinding) as well as for levelling of stainless steel handrails with strict requirements for decorative surfaces.
For matting, polishing and smoothing pipes, pipe elbows and closed pipe structures
It is a robust and flexible sanding belt, which is mainly designed for machining metals.
For matting, calendering and finishing of pipe constructions using the electric grinding file.
Special product for surface finishing with band files
Non-woven tape with low stretch backing for finishing work with pneumatic filing belt machine
Fleece sanding belt for a wide range of applications
For matting, burnishing and finishing (final sanding) and for levelling of pre-sanded flat and slightly profiled components made of stainless steel with high requirements for decorative surfaces.
With suede back and hook-and-loop fastener closure for matting, burnishing, polishing, and for matching transitions, cleaning oxide layers and removing discolouration
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