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142 sürümlü 119 ürün bulundu
Protection against solid and liquid particles
Practical storage box for full face masks and half face masks
For combining gas filters with particle insert filters in the 3M 5000/6000 series with gas and vapour filters.
Protection category A2, protects against organic gases and vapours.
For extending filters A2 and ABEK1
3M™ bayonet click system – flexible bayonet system for connection to various 3M™ reusable half and full face masks
Protection category ABEK1, protects against organic, inorganic and acidic gases, ammonia and organic ammonia derivatives.
SR 218 Class 2 gas filters are intended for use in Sundströms half and full face masks.
EasyLock® filter
ID label for Sundströms full and half face masks
Elastic headband (single) for half face masks SR 90-3 and SR 100
The voice amplifier SR 324 is used together with Sundströms half face mask SR 100/SR 90-3/SR 900 or full face mask SR 200.
Filters can be used for all 3M™ reusable half and full face masks with bayonet connection system
The box provides space for a half face mask with a combination filter.
Gas filter SR 297, Class 1 is intended for use in Sundström half- and full-face masks.
For SR 500 and SR 500 EX
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