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10 sürümlü 9 ürün bulundu
Strip-steel stool for workshop and industry
The ideal complement to the work stool for ergonomic sit-stand workstations. Ergonomic sitting position that reduces the risk of back, shoulder and neck discomfort
The sturdy stools with steel cross base and wrap-around padded protection are extremely popular. They are spacious and comfortable thanks to their large seat surface.
Strip steel stool, height-adjustable, for workshops and industry
Space-saving and flexible, ideal for switching between tasks performed while standing and sitting
Made of solid steel strips with prop base for workshop and industry
Daha fazla arama sonucu var. Daha kesin bir sonuç için girişlerinizi lütfen daha sınırlı hale getiriniz.
Lütfen bunu kontrol edin ya da farklı bir arama terimi kullanın.