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16 sürümlü 16 ürün bulundu
A2 stainless steel, plain, TX drive
1600 pieces in system case 4.4.1 tapping screws pan head DIN 7981 shape C, H cross recess, zinc-plated steel, blue passivated (A2K)
Zinc-plated steel, blue passivated (A2K) and combi tapping screws with captive washer, zinc-plated steel, blue passivated (A2K)
1775 pieces in system case 4.4.1. DIN7981-C tapping screws pan head, H cross recess, zinc-plated steel, black passivated (A2S)
A2 stainless steel, plain, H recessed head
ISO 7049, A2 stainless steel, plain, H recessed head in system case 4.4.1
Zinc-plated steel, blue passivated (A2K), with H recessed head
ISO 7050 zinc-plated steel, blue passivated (A2K), cross recess
WN 111, A2 stainless steel, plain, AW drive in system case 4.4.1
Delta Seal, black steel AW drive
Zinc-plated steel, blue passivated (A2K), AW drive
Zinc-plated steel, blue passivated (A2K), with captive washer.
WN 112, A2 stainless steel, plain, AW drive in system case 4.4.1
1500 pieces in system case 4.4.1 tapping screw pan head with collar, H cross recess, Delta Seal black zinc-plated steel
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