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141 sürümlü 16 ürün bulundu
Bimetalden imal edilmiştir - A2 paslanmaz çelik/sertleştirilmiş çelik, Ruspert® kaplamalı, ISO 10666ya benzer altı köşe başlı
Yüzeyi sertleştirilmiş çelik, galvanize, ISO 10666ya benzer altıköşe başlı
For attaching metal profiles to metal substructures made of steel or aluminium
A2 stainless steel with drill bit tip and moulded thread made of hardened steel. For fastening steel and aluminium profiles on wooden substructures
A2 stainless steel with reduced drill bit tip and moulded thread made of hardened steel. For fastening thin-walled profile panels (splice plate connections) made of steel and aluminium in unapproved areas
Case-hardened, zinc-plated blue passivated steel, with long drill bit tip. For attaching steel profiles to steel substructures ≤ 12 mm
A2 stainless steel with long drill bit tip and moulded thread made of hardened steel. For attaching aluminium and steel profiles to substructures made of aluminium and steel ≤ 12 mm
A2 stainless steel with drill bit tip and moulded thread made of hardened steel. For fastening thin-walled profile panels (splice plate connections) made of steel and aluminium ≤ 2 mm
A2 stainless steel with long drill bit tip and moulded thread made of hardened steel. For attaching steel profiles to steel substructures ≤ 12 mm
A2 stainless steel with EPDM mushroom seal. For the attachment of fiber cement corrugated boards to wooden substructure
Case-hardened, zinc-plated blue passivated steel. With covered screw head and sealing washer made of A2 stainless steel. For attaching steel profiles to steel substructures ≤ 4 mm
Case-hardened, zinc-plated blue passivated steel, with reduced drill bit tip. For fastening thin-walled steel profile panels (splice plate connections) on steel ≤ 1.5 mm
A2 stainless steel with drill bit tip and moulded thread made of hardened steel. Screwing on of steel and aluminium profiles in steel and aluminium without over-turning ≤ 2 mm
Screw and sealing washer made of A2 stainless steel, for fastening aluminium profiles on aluminium substructures ≤ 4 mm
Steel case-hardened and hot-dip galvanized with EPDM mushroom seal. For the attachment of fiber cement corrugated boards to wooden substructure
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Bimetalden imal edilmiştir - A2 paslanmaz çelik/sertleştirilmiş çelik, Ruspert® kaplamalı, ISO 10666'ya benzer altı köşe başlı
Yüzeyi sertleştirilmiş çelik, galvanize, ISO 10666'ya benzer altıköşe başlı