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8 sürümlü 8 ürün bulundu
Universal skin protection lotion with dual-action principle. For protection when frequently changing between different working substances. In a handy 250 ml bottle with snap closure.
Suda çözünmeyen maddelere karşı koruma sağlar
Universal skin protection lotion with dual-action principle. For protection when frequently changing between different working substances.
Dirt-repellent, water-soluble skin protection lotion to prevent build-up of dirt. In a handy 250 ml bottle with snap closure.
Wash-off skin protection lotion to prevent soiling by water-soluble and non-water-soluble substances, sealants in particular.
Dirt-repellent, water-soluble skin protection lotion to prevent build-up of dirt. For Skin-Line dispenser systems 0891900500, 0891900501, 0891900502, 0891900503.
In the case of highly adhesive oily or dry soiling
SANSIBAL® protects the skin when handling water-insoluble substances
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