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11 sürümlü 7 ürün bulundu
Completely maintenance-free and can be mounted in extremely tight spaces. No drilling or anchors required.
Intumescent fire protection fabric for non-combustible pipework and tubing with combustible insulation parts
For use as wrapping for cables, electrical installation pipes and non-combustible pipes with combustible insulation, in walls, ceilings and lightweight dividers
Self-adhesive with sound damping properties
Material swells when exposed to fire, meeting the requirements of German regulations for pipe systems (LAR) for pipe ducts
Foams in the event of fire
As pipe sleeve
Daha fazla arama sonucu var. Daha kesin bir sonuç için girişlerinizi lütfen daha sınırlı hale getiriniz.
Lütfen bunu kontrol edin ya da farklı bir arama terimi kullanın.