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10 sürümlü 10 ürün bulundu
Contents in accordance with DIN 13157
First-aid materials in accordance with DIN 13164-2022
Consisting of first aid case DIN 13157, elastane plaster dispenser, plaster dispenser, disposable gloves dispenser, eye emergency station, fire extinguisher and display panel system.
Dust-protected first aid station with extensive supplies for initial treatment of cuts, abrasions, minor burns and eye injuries
For updating and re-equipping the contents of company first-aid kits.
Complete first aid set including practical safety board for hanging it up. Already assembled and equipped for immediate use.
Complete first aid set including crane-compatible sheet steel housing for construction sites
Consisting of first aid case DIN 13169, elastane plaster dispenser, plaster dispenser, disposable gloves dispenser, eye emergency station, fire extinguisher and display panel system.
Daha fazla arama sonucu var. Daha kesin bir sonuç için girişlerinizi lütfen daha sınırlı hale getiriniz.
Lütfen bunu kontrol edin ya da farklı bir arama terimi kullanın.