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34 sürümlü 17 ürün bulundu
Skylotec Skysafe Pro Flex®
For stainless steel safety systems with weather-resistant laser marking.
Safe thanks to kernmantle rope.
Skylotec Ergogrip® SK16
Stainless steel end fastener fork head
Stainless steel end fastener (fork head) made of extremely robust V4A steel with integrated clamping device
Bracket made of stainless steel for optimal alignment of rope elements
Stainless steel cable made of particularly robust V4A steel.
At the optimal tension for every season - end fastener with intelligent spring pre-tensioning for safety harness systems
ABS stainless steel cable with pressed-on fork head in 6 and 8 mm and preassembled lengths
For standardised rope system installation that cannot be driven over
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