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26 sürümlü 23 ürün bulundu
Complete set including new 12-tonne mechadraulics.
For cleaning and maintaining the injector shaft
For extracting injectors out of the cylinder head without partial disassembly of the injector
1x each of nylon brushes with 1/4 inch bit drive, dia. 18, 19, 21, 24 mm
Complete tool for removing Piezo injectors with M14 injection pipe connecting piece
This tool assortment can be used to remove seized injectors from M9R and M9T engines safely.
For powerfully driving out jammed components and for straightening jobs on bodywork with a new steel shot filled slide hammer version
Complete tool for removing injectors on Ford 2.0 ECO BLUE engines
Universal injector removal system for particularly jammed injectors
Used to remove particularly jammed injectors in conjunction with a Würth feed system
For the professional cleaning and reworking of the injector shaft before inserting the new injector.
Allows stuck injectors to be removed without destroying/removing the electrical connection.
This adapter set is used to create a feed shaft holder on the injector
Repair solution for broken adjustable clamp screw or torn-out female thread in the aluminium cylinder head
Universal injector extractor set in a modular system.
Special tool set for loosening and removing stuck injectors on the vehicle
1x each of brass brushes with 1/4 inch bit drive, dia. 18, 19, 21, 24 mm
To remove Bosch GDI petrol injectors without any partial disassembly or damage
Diameters 18, 19, 21, 24 mm
Complete with socket for the electrical connection.
Specially designed to remove firmly seized injectors.
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