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27 sürümlü 22 ürün bulundu
For the simple connection (3/4 inch female thread) of the high-pressure cleaner to common hose couplings
For quick connection of all standard water hoses to the high-pressure cleaner
Ergonomic manual spray gun with reduced retention and pulling force for high-pressure cleaner.
Using this adapter, the hose extension can be connected to the high-pressure cleaner.
Rotating narrow jet with up to 10-fold cleaning power for use with the high-pressure cleaner
Robust, durable and dirt-resistant nozzle for high-pressure cleaner.
Corrosion-resistant, stainless steel jet pipe with hand-tightened screw connection for the high-pressure cleaner HDR 160 Premium
For easy cleaning of hard-to-reach places with the high-pressure cleaner HDR 160 Premium
For splash-proof cleaning with the high-pressure cleaner
Ideal for lathering vehicles with the high-pressure cleaner
To extend the high-pressure cleaner hose
Particularly flexible high-pressure hose for cleaning and effective removal of blockages in pipes, drains and down pipes with the high pressure cleaner.
For cleaning and effective removal of blockages in pipes, drains and down pipes with the high-pressure cleaner.
Robust hose for high-pressure cleaner.
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