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21 sürümlü 11 ürün bulundu
Yüksek yapışma gücü ve mükemmel mukavemete sahip çift taraflı yapışkan bant
Highly transparent, UV-resistant, double-sided high-performance adhesive tape for demanding indoor and outdoor assembly bonding
Very strong adhesive tape with fabric backing, with excellent adhesion even on rough and porous surfaces.
Versatile adhesive tape for simple applications. For a variety of applications in which a strong adhesive tape with thin carrier is required, such as securing textile coverings
Kaynak, delme veya perçinleme yerine yapıştırma.
Double-sided fabric adhesive tape with a highly adhesive and a less- adhesive side.
Due to its outstanding adhesive properties, the tape is suitable for bonding a broad range of materials, e.g. wood, metal, plastic, glass, stone etc. Can be used indoors and outdoors.
Double-sided tape, strong adhesion, removable without residue for temporary fastening e.g. at trade fairs or in shop fitting
Double-sided adhesive tape made of closed-cell acrylate adhesive with very high adaptability to the surface to be bonded. Bonds entire surfaces without clamping, regardless of whether they are smooth or textured.
Flexible, double-sided adhesive tape with high temperature resistance for high and medium energy material connections.
Double-sided, transfer adhesion tape, which is ideal for positioning parts in the installation process
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