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18 sürümlü 17 ürün bulundu
2 ışık fonksiyonu - Güç (140 lümen) ve Düşük Güç (60 lümen). Ultra kompakt ancak son derece parlak
2 light functions — Power (300 lumens) and Low Power (100 lumens). Also suitable for NiMH batteries
2 light functions — Power (50 lumens) and Low Power (20 lumens). Also suitable for NiMH batteries
2 light functions — Power (350 lumens) and Low Power (100 lumens). Also suitable for NiMH batteries
2 light functions — Power (100 lumens) and Low Power (40 lumens). Also suitable for NiMH batteries
Sabitleme klipsi dahil
COB-LED for wide distribution of light and spotlight LED in the lamp head
For use when searching for leaks highlighted by UV leak detection fluid in vehicle air-conditioning systems.
Meets ATEX requirements (2014/34/EU)
Small and practical torch with three light modes
Flexible neck - ideal for hard-to-reach areas (engine compartment, dashboard, printed circuit boards etc.)
3 light functions — Power (600 lumens), Mid Power (250 lumens) and Low Power (80 lumens). Also suitable for NiMH batteries
Daha fazla arama sonucu var. Daha kesin bir sonuç için girişlerinizi lütfen daha sınırlı hale getiriniz.
Lütfen bunu kontrol edin ya da farklı bir arama terimi kullanın.