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91 sürümlü 23 ürün bulundu
For oval rail, screw-on, for wooden rear wall
Can be installed in the crosswise divider without the need for any tools
For H90 concealed drawer, H90 concealed drawer with rectangular rail, H186 concealed drawer and H186 Crystal Plus
Subdivision and organisation system
For synchronisation module in conjunction with concealed slide, Dynapro Tipmatic full-extension slide 40/60 kg
Narrow frame for large push-in components
From cabinet widths of 800 mm or front panel heights of 600 mm
Compatible with Nova Pro, Dynapro Tipmatic Soft-close and Dynaneo Tipmatic
The longitudinal divider is simply clipped on the crosswise divider
Oval aluminium railing for cutting to length for Nova Pro Scala pull-out filing frame
Assembly and disassembly of front panel without tools thanks to clip technology
Concealed mounts prevent children learning how to circumvent it
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