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19 sürümlü 12 ürün bulundu
Metal yüzeyler için etkin korozyon koruması ve astar boya
Active protection against corrosion with excellent filling properties for metallic surfaces
Fast-drying universal primer with a broad range of applications
Metal yüzeyler için sürülebilir, aktif korozyon koruması
Can be painted over wet-on-wet (without sanding in between)
2-component epoxy primer filler for optimum application safety on all metals, anodised surfaces and GFRP.
Zinc phosphate primer that can be diluted with water for iron, steel, zinc and aluminium
Primer that is resistant to chemicals with excellent adhesion and outstanding corrosion protection properties
Universal 2-component primer filler for repairing small and medium-sized surfaces on plain steel sheeting, UP filler and old paints.
Primer with excellent adhesion and with good filling properties (up to 100 µm) and outstanding protection against corrosion
High-filling 1-component acidic primer with good flowing properties and outstanding adhesion on iron, steel, aluminium and zinc.
High-coverage synthetic resin thick-film primer with excellent application properties and active corrosion protection.
Daha fazla arama sonucu var. Daha kesin bir sonuç için girişlerinizi lütfen daha sınırlı hale getiriniz.
Lütfen bunu kontrol edin ya da farklı bir arama terimi kullanın.