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Ultrasint PA11 CF BASF

Ultrasint PA11 CF BASF

품목 번호 4956620202
EAN 4099618255403

로그인 후 고객에게 표시되는 가격

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지금 등록하여 125,000가지 이상의 제품을 확인하십시오.

Ultrasint® PA11 black CF is a biologically produced powder for advanced powder bed fusion applications. Its well-balanced mechanical properties, which ensure high ductility and impact resistance at all times, make it one of the strongest and most rigid materials in the industry. The exceptional material is carbon-fibre reinforced and provides optimal mechanical performance of printed components when strength and rigidity are critical.
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PA 11 - Polyamide

제품 무게(항목당)

20 kg



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