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Ultracur 3D Cleaner BASF

Ultracur 3D Cleaner BASF

품목 번호 4954620255
EAN 4067992107359

로그인 후 고객에게 표시되는 가격

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지금 등록하여 125,000가지 이상의 제품을 확인하십시오.

Our Ultracur3D®accessories enable easier and more versatile processing. The Colour Kit solutions allow you to print parts in a wide range of colours: Ultracur3D® CK 01 white, Ultracur3D® CK 02 yellow, Ultracur3D® CK 03 cyan, Ultracur3D® CK 04 magenta and Ultracur3D® CK 06 black. The Ultracur3D® Cleaner removes uncured photopolymer resin from printed parts and is compatible with a wide range of resins, including most of the resins in the Ultracur3D® portfolio.
제품 정보

데이터 시트(X)


Acrylic polymer



제품 무게(항목당)

1 kg

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