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12 elem található a(z) 12 verziókkal
For removing large bearing inner rings that usually remain on the wheel hub during replacement of the wheel bearing.
For safely removing the front bearing unit from the axle casing
Universal puller with unique gripping principle, also for use on flush bearing inner rings that remain on the wheel hub during replacement of the wheel bearing.
Suitable for time-saving fitting and removal of wheel hubs and wheel bearings ∅ 92 mm on the rear axle, without removing the ABS sensor
For disassembly and assembly of large wheel bearings with a diameter of 85 to 99 mm and for installing the wheel hub directly on the vehicle or using a workshop press
For removal and installation of large wheel bearings from diameter 85 mm as well as installation of the wheel hub directly on the vehicle or using a workshop press
For disassembling the wheel hub and the wheel bearing housing on multi-link axles on VAG vehicles
Full assortment for removing and installing wheel bearings and for fitting wheel hubs.
For removing and disassembling the wheel hub/bearing unit with brake disc.
Especially for removing screwed compact wheel bearings
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