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33 elem található a(z) 71 verziókkal
Ergonomikus, kúposra formált, egyszer használatos füldugó rendkívül zajos környezetbe
A puha bordáknak köszönhetően nagyon kényelmes viselet
Vékony, ergonomikusan formált, egyszer használatos füldugó szűk hallójáratokhoz
These disposable ear plugs are inserted into the ear canal in order to reduce exposure to dangerous noise levels and loud noises of up to 31 dB SNR.
Made from soft foam with good insulation properties and a high level of comfort when wearing for long periods
Made from flexible materials, preformed for an optimum fit in the ears.
Vibrant colours make Laser Lite® visible and visually appealing
Easy-clean reusable earplugs with cord
The innovative ear plugs adapt perfectly to the shape of the ear.
Ergonomically pre-formed disposable ear plugs
with red PVC cord
Foldable banded ear plugs to keep on hand wherever you are
Easy-clean, detectable, reusable earplugs with cord
Complete protection, exceptional comfort and a perfect fit
Detectable ear plugs with low sound absorption and excellent speech perception
Thanks to its unique oval capsule design, these innovative ear plugs adapt to the anatomy of the ear canal in an ideal way.
Banded ear plugs with sound absorbers
Thanks to the cord, the uvex whisper+ is a quickly available piece of protective equipment that is always close at hand.
Észlelhető fémbetéttel
Puha habból készült füldugók a kiemelkedő és kényelmes védelemért.
Comfortable, ergonomic banded ear plugs
Foam ear plugs with practical handle
Optimal adjustment for maximum protection
Ear plugs for every ear canal: easy handling due to the integrated shaft
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