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78 elem található a(z) 85 verziókkal
Safety knife with automatic blade retraction and a max. blade extension of 7.8 cm.
With a rounded trapezoidal blade
Teljesen automata pengevisszahúzással a vágást követően.
Robust safety knife with automatic blade retraction for all normal cutting work.
Aluminium safety knife ideal for thicker material – with a cutting depth of 36 mm.
Safety knife with concealed blade and innovative blade change.
Double lock knife with automatic blade retraction for all normal cutting work.
Versatile safety knife made of aluminium with a cutting depth of 21 mm
Safety knife with fully automatic blade retraction for left- and right-handed people.
Safety knife with concealed blade and integrated plastic spring.
Kettős reteszelésű kés nagyobb vágásmélységgel és teljesen automatikus penge visszahúzással.
Compact safety knife with automatic blade retraction, especially for opening boxes.
Biztonsági kés rejtett pengével, kifejezetten fóliához és papírhoz.
Biztonsági kés rejtett pengével, kifejezetten fóliákhoz és műanyag pántokhoz tervezve.
Compact 2C safety knife set with 11 blades and integrated scoring tip
Universal bag opener for safe and efficient cutting
Combines the safety of a safety knife with the performance of a utility knife, with serrated blade
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