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FFF printing material BASF Ultrafuse PET

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FFF printing material BASF Ultrafuse PET

Ultrafuse PET is made from high-quality PET and is just as easy to print as PLA, but much stronger. The filament has a broad operating range for printing (temperature vs. speed), allowing it to be used on any 3D printer. PET delivers excellent printing results with good layer adhesion and high resolution, and is simple to handle. Ultrafuse PET is fully recyclable, watertight and has superior colours and finishes. Ultrafuse® PET is based on food grade raw materials (granules) which are suitable for applications involving contact with food in accordance with the EU's plastics regulation. Plus, this material has been approved for food-safe 3D printing applications and meets the requirements of the LFGB and Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004.

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