3 단계만 거치면 뷔르트 온라인 샵에서 제공하는 모든 기능을 사용하실 수 있습니다.
기업 고객 전용 판매
QR 코드가 더 이상 유효하지 않습니다. 다음 버튼을 클릭하여 다시 활성화해 주십시오.
73개 버전의 품목 10개를 찾았습니다.
Ideal for medium infeed and feed in universal use in many different materials, such as steel (ISO P), stainless steel (ISO M), cast iron (ISO K) and heat-resistant super alloys (HRSA, ISO S)
Ideal for medium infeed and feed for universal use in many different materials, such as steel (ISO P), stainless steel (ISO M), cast iron (ISO K) and heat-resistant super alloys (HRSA, ISO S)
Ideal for medium infeed and feed in non-ferrous metals (ISO N)
Ideal for deep infeed and feed in stainless steel (ISO M)
Ideal for medium infeed and feed in stainless steel (ISO M)
Ideal for low infeed and feed in stainless steel (ISO M)
Ideal for heavy roughing machining of steel (ISO P)
Ideal for high infeed and feed in steel (ISO P)
Ideal for medium infeeds and feeds in steel (ISO P)
Ideal for small infeeds and feeds in steel (ISO P)
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