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9개 버전의 품목 9개를 찾았습니다.
For switch cabinet locking mechanisms
The classic switch cabinet key with even more profiles. Including chain, adapter and reversible bit PH2 / slot 1.0x7 mm.
Universal switch cabinet key and stepped wrench with 16 profiles in a single tool
Practical T-handle wrench for locking systems
Dual turning mechanism so that four different closures can be effected.
Practical T-handle wrench for locking systems with 5/6 mm square, 9 mm triangle, 3–5 mm diameter double bit, 7–8 mm square, 1/4 inch PH2 bit
6-in-1 switch cabinet key with hanging eyelet, 1/4 inch bit holder and bottle opener
Universal switch cabinet key with 14 profiles in a single tool
With innovative rotation mechanism
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