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123개 버전의 품목 22개를 찾았습니다.
Quick, easy and safe installation of door handles
ClickFix - tool-free mounting of door handle
High-quality stainless steel finish with square rosette and concealed ball-bearing technology.
High-quality stainless steel fitting for private homes that is easy to install and fulfils higher requirements than EN 1906 class 3 demands
High-quality stainless steel fitting for private homes that is easy to install and fulfils higher requirements than EN 1906 class 3 requires.
High-quality stainless steel fitting with square screw-on rosette
The handle fitting gives the interior door a personal touch, the rosettes are very flat and are fixed invisibly.
ClickFix — tool-free mounting of door handle
The A 111 door handle is made of stainless steel and has a polished/matt appearance
The handle fitting made from stainless steel gives the interior door a personal touch, the rosettes are very flat and are fixed invisibly.
Without keys or WC rosettes
Stainless steel fitting for private homes that is easy to install and fulfils higher requirements than EN 1906 class 3 demands
High-quality stainless steel fitting for private homes that is easy to install and fulfils higher requirements than EN 1906 class 3 demands.
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