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세부 정보, 추가 이미지 및 문서를 보려면 아래 표에서 개별 품목을 선택하십시오.
Overlay installation variant
Overlay installation variant - number of doors and door position
Height adjustment
Door material
Overlay installation variant - damping
Overlay installation variant - installation dimensions
Overlay installation variant - If two or more sliding doors run in one level, collision damping can be used to damp these
Overlay installation variant - If only one sliding door runs in one level, collision damping is not required
Overlay installation variant - system components
Inset installation variant
Inset installation variant - number of doors and door position
Inset installation variant - damping
Inset installation variant - installation dimensions on top, with one-way runners for insertion and bonding
Inset installation variant - installation dimensions at bottom, with double guide rail for screwing on or bonding
Inset installation variant - double guide rail, screwed on from above
Inset installation variant - double guide rail glued on
: Inset installation variant - double guide rail, screwed on from below
Inset installation variant - installation dimensions at top, with double guide rail for screwing on or bonding
Inset installation variant - installation dimensions below, with one-way runners for insertion and bonding
Inset installation variant – system components
: Inset installation variant
Design in motion:
Offers individual design options
Convenience included:
Integrated soft-close systems in the direction of opening, closing and collision
Quick installation without tools:
Easy installation of sliding doors
Flexible installation:
The profiles can be screwed on, glued on or grooved in
Convenient and fast:
Profile mounting on the assembled body through simple screw fixing
Integrated height adjustment for perfectly aligned doors
Design option:
SlideLine M: the kitchen all-rounder
Sliding door fitting for overlay or inset sliding cabinet doors
품목 설명 읽기
유사한 제품 표시
2개 버전 사용 가능
로그인 후 고객에게 표시되는 가격
지금 등록하여 125,000가지 이상의 제품을 확인하십시오.
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필터를 사용하면 선택한 특성으로 검색을 세분화할 수 있습니다.
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