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42개 버전의 품목 18개를 찾았습니다.
Ideal for using in-rack sprinkler systems
Robust, sturdy support frame thanks to timber struts in the frame
Robust cantilever for cantilever rack for well-organised storage
Prevents pallets from sliding through pallet shelf
Includes clamping bracket including screws and nuts
For extending the wide-span rack and increasing storage space
Acts as a stop bar on the front end of the shelf to prevent round signs from falling out accidentally.
Can be used as pallet shelf impact protection
For extending the sign shelf and increasing storage space.
Freely adjustable compartment divider rods for the flexible division of the vertical boltless rack
Is placed on the support carrier and is edged on the front for locking
Versatile separating arms for flexible division of the shelf widths of the vertical rack
Prevents pallets from sliding through pallet shelf.
Includes two locking pins to prevent accidental lifting
Can be used as front-facing pallet shelf impact protection
For creating an additional partition in the shelving level of the sign shelf.
With four zinc-plated Z-shaped brackets
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