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57개 버전의 품목 9개를 찾았습니다.
For rigid, non-elastic and secure clamping with the high-quality malleable iron bars and protective caps that are gentle on materials
Ergonomically designed screw clamp with high-quality malleable iron bars and 2-component handle
For flexible, elastic and sensitive clamping of workpieces with the classic screw clamp handle
For flexible and elastic clamping of workpieces with the efficient and ergonomic handle
Manageable, extremely flexible-to-use screw clamp, even in confined spaces, with efficient, ergonomic handle
Simple and handy clamping tool, for flexible, elastic and sensitive clamping.
Screw clamp with tip in fixed bar for driving in rafters and a robust T-handle
Screw clamp with high-quality malleable iron bars and electrical welding cable connection hole
For rigid, non-elastic and secure clamping with the high-quality malleable iron bars
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