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109개 버전의 품목 23개를 찾았습니다.
Very efficient at achieving a uniform grinding finish
For matting, burnishing, polishing and for matching pre-sanded metal sheets. Achieving effective surfaces, cleaning oxide coatings and removing tempering colour.
For derusting, burnishing, matting and creating decorative surfaces with a random orbital sander or for finishing by hand
Creation of a non-directional, very fine satin finish on stainless steel surfaces
Sanding disc for finishing a range of materials with a smooth or slightly textured surface
For use on speed-adjustable angle grinders. Provides a uniform finish without damaging the surface at a defined roughness depth
Can be used for wet and dry applications
For direct use on speed-controllable angle and fillet seam grinders; offers a uniform finish without damaging the surface at a defined roughness.
Cleaning disc for stainless steel, steel, non-ferrous metals, paint, varnish, filler, plastic
Four different degrees of fineness for material removal up to high gloss
Quick Change Discs for stainless steel, titanium, steel, high-alloy steels, non-ferrous metals, aluminium
Quick Change Disc with plastic closure for paint, varnish, filler, stainless steel
For cleaning and pre-polishing surfaces
Cleaning disc for stainless steel, steel, non-ferrous metals, paint, varnish, filler
Quick Change Discs with plastic closure for non-ferrous metal, stainless steel, high-alloy steel, as well as varnish, paint and filler.
Soft structure for optimum adaptation to the workpiece surface
Quick Change Discs for stainless steel, steel, non-ferrous metals, paints, varnish, filler
Combining Scotch-Brite material with the durable Cubitron grain enables high removal rates in combination with a comparably fine finish. In contrast to conventional abrasives, undergrinding is rarely possible in this respect – sanding of welding seams and spot welds without undergrinding with smooth finish.
Designed for a wide range of applications
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