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248개 버전의 품목 11개를 찾았습니다.
PPE CAT. II/S3L A FO SR/DGUV 112-191/EN ISO 20345
Robust safety shoe made of soft full-grain leather, which offers the user a high level of comfort and maximum safety.
Modern safety boot with elements made of recycled materials and innovative ventilation system
Robust yet lightweight: Dynamic design elements ensure a casual feel, yet the safety features are just as impressive.
Fine, velvety soft safety shoe that ensures excellent comfort and breathability.
The further development of a bestseller: The Cetus Evo offers the well-known level of comfort, and the sturdy impact protection and abrasion resistance make this safety boot even more robust and durable
For light-duty applications in trade and industry.
For use in construction and light industry.
Safety shoes for S3 use with technical features. The BOA quick closure system and the overcap in the toe area are particularly noteworthy
Sporty shoe for extreme demands in heavy-duty applications.
Comfortable and modern safety shoe with an attractive seam look. Also impresses with an excellent shoe climate.
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