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The further development of a bestseller: The Cetus Evo offers the well-known level of comfort, and the sturdy impact protection and abrasion resistance make this high-cut safety boot even more robust and durable
Comfortable safety boots with a velvety soft surface. They provide excellent comfort and optimum safety during work.
High-quality shoe for various industries.
For use in construction and light industry.
Optimal cushioning and a low weight for everyday work.
The safety boots made of fine, soft yet durable leather offer a modern design, yet also guarantee secure comfort.
Modern safety boots with an attractive seam look. Also offering excellent comfort and ideal air circulation to the outside.
For light-duty applications in trade and industry.
Fully flexible, super lightweight - TRANSFOAMERS deliver the full package.
The best fit, highly abrasion-resistant upper material and additional toe protection make this S3 high-cut safety boot a reliable companion
Safety boots for S3 use with technical features. The BOA quick closure system and the overcap in the toe area are particularly noteworthy
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