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Metric ratchet combination wrench with ratchet function on both the box and open ends
Metric ratchet combination wrench with ratchet function on both the box and open ends - 1
Metric ratchet combination wrench with ratchet function on both the box and open ends - 2
Metric ratchet combination wrench with ratchet function on both the box and open ends - 3
Metric ratchet combination wrench with ratchet function on both the box and open ends - 4
Metric ratchet combination wrench with ratchet function on both the box and open ends - 5
Metric ratchet combination wrench with ratchet function on both the box and open ends - 6
Metric ratchet combination wrench with ratchet function on both the box and open ends - 7

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Metric ratchet combination wrench with ratchet function on both the box and open ends

ZEBRA® professional-quality tool

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박스와 오픈 엔드가 있는 매우 슬림한 래칫

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  • 회전 방향을 변경하려면 렌치를 뒤집기만 하면 됨

긴 사용 수명을 고려한 매우 높은 품질

  • 라쳇 콤비네이션 렌치의 최대 토크는 DIN 899 준수

  • 검증된 크롬-바나듐강 사용

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  • 표면은 오랫동안 부식되지 않으며 평균보다 훨씬 긴 수명을 보장

  • 더블 박스 엔드 렌치의 긴 수명으로 교체 및 보관 비용 감소