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1,366개 버전의 품목 295개를 찾았습니다.
Robust, liquid-tight protective glove with polyamide support fabric that combines optimum chemical protection, secure grip and comfort
Cotton flocking on the inside
Gas-tight and resistant to exhaust gases produced by combustion processes
Uvex Rubiflex NB35B
Ergonomically designed, comfortable protection from chemicals
Showa CHM
Fitzner Pirat 640451
Asatex 3450
Uvex Rubiflex NB 27B
KCL Camatril 732
Butoject® 898 is a highly flexible chemical protective glove made of butyl rubber manufactured in an environmentally friendly injection moulding process. This glove is very popular in the field of NBC protection due to its excellent protection against a wide range of chemicals and gases.
Three-layer design for outstanding protection against chemicals, including acids, solvents and alkalis.
Fully dipped protective glove with vinyl coating on cotton jersey lining
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