3 단계만 거치면 뷔르트 온라인 샵에서 제공하는 모든 기능을 사용하실 수 있습니다.
기업 고객 전용 판매
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65개 버전의 품목 16개를 찾았습니다.
From size 30 upwards, the shackle locks on both sides for increased stability
Combination lock with adjustable number code
Lightweight with high stability
With plastic coating to protect from damage
The numerical code cannot be changed accidentally
Two-sided locking for increased stability
Forced locking, the key can only be removed when locked
Variable lock shank
The small shackle opening provides maximum protection against attacks
A fingerprint lock for indoor and outdoor use
High protection due to small shackle opening
Double locking and stainless steel interior
It is not possible to accidentally change the numeric code
Quick opening without a key
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