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29개 버전의 품목 18개를 찾았습니다.
For use with electric strikes
The sleeve supplied serves as distance compensation for 12 mm rebate space
The radio hand transmitters allow up to two Eneo CC locks to be opened with one button press
Holds the bar securely in the threshold
The VdS-certified bar switching contact is used to monitor the locking of doors
For electromechanical multiple locks ENEO A and C/CC
For multi-point locks with two or four bolts
Your finger is the key
With cup and infinitely variable adjustment
Holds the latch and bar
Secures the inactive leaf
For Eneo C/CC electromechanical multiple locks with 2 bolts/2 power wedges (wooden doors)
Easy installation thanks to less time spent on milling
Combination locking point for 4 mm and 12 mm rebate space
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