3 단계만 거치면 뷔르트 온라인 샵에서 제공하는 모든 기능을 사용하실 수 있습니다.
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4개 버전의 품목 4개를 찾았습니다.
Small measuring instrument for measuring direct and alternating current, resistance testing, continuity testing, diode testing and contactless voltage testing
Versatile TRMS multimeter, provides the most important functions for daily use in skilled trades, business and industry. For maintenance, installation, service. Robust due to shock-proof cover.
All-in-one device with 30,000 digits: milliohmmeter and multimeter, datalogger, insulation resistance and winding/shorted coil tester
Modern, digital multimeter with effective value measurement (TRMS), cable break detector and LED pocket torch for professional use in trade and industry.
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