3 단계만 거치면 뷔르트 온라인 샵에서 제공하는 모든 기능을 사용하실 수 있습니다.
기업 고객 전용 판매
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24개 버전의 품목 12개를 찾았습니다.
Tear-resistant LDPE film, suitable for various requirements or applications
PCW large refuse bag made from 100 % recycled post-consumer waste
Particularly robust, puncture-proof and extremely tear-resistant waste bags for all common waste bins
Tear-resistant, puncture-proof and 100% biologically recyclable and completely biodegradable
Transparent design for easy inspection of fill level and separation of recyclable materials
Particularly robust, puncture-proof and and extremely tear-resistant refuse bags with a reduced thickness
Refuse bags for efficient daily use
With mineral wool labelling in accordance with TRGS 521
Sanitary bag for hygiene dispenser
Refuse bags made from 100 % recycled post-consumer waste for environmentally friendly and hygienic waste collection
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