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85개 버전의 품목 26개를 찾았습니다.
Mini hinge suitable for small doors and doors with narrow frames
The hinge system is concealed in the top and bottom of the cabinet
Hinge for stud structures, overlay
For connecting two corner cabinet doors
Tiomos hinge in NIGHT colour
Flap overlay up to 19 mm
With small ∅ 26 mm cup housing
Hinge for stud structures, inset
Hinge with automatic opening for handle-free fronts
Built-in finger protection, does not open wider than ∅ 7 mm
With integrated damping. Specially for aluminium profile frame doors
Accommodates door thicknesses of up to 36 mm
For door thicknesses of 6 to 10 mm and door overlays of up to max. 25 mm (with zero protrusion up to max. 14 mm)
Seamless joints on doors up to 22 mm thick
All-round hinge for sophisticated and versatile door applications
Rapid final assembly without drilling through glass
Seamless joints on doors up to 24-mm thick
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