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211개 버전의 품목 5개를 찾았습니다.
The perfect solution for reinforcements and hard materials, featuring an innovative and symmetrical head geometry with four cutting edges and a new multi-zone conveyor helix with an optimised diameter
Solid hammer drill bit with aggressive 2-cutter head, centring point and Vario spiral conveyor with core reinforcement for a significantly improved drilling speed. Specially optimised for cordless hammer drills.
Strong hammer drill bit with X-shaped head geometry and four-spiral feed helix for fast drilling speed with significantly smoother running and greater precision in comparison with conventional drill bits featuring a head with two cutting edges
Very robust rebar cutter with tool holder suitable for SDS-plus. For hammer action in hammer drills.
The perfect solution for reinforcements and hard materials, featuring a symmetrical, one-piece head with four cutting edges and a four-spiral Vario feed helix with core reinforcement
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