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12개 버전의 품목 9개를 찾았습니다.
Universal filler with outstanding properties. Can be used as knifing and fine filler.
Fine filler with high elasticity for sealing pores and for repairing small scratches, grooves and uneven surfaces
Filler for filling and levelling deep uneven surfaces and scratches
Glass fibre reinforcement filler for bridging cracks, holes and for repairing glass fibre reinforced plastics.
High-strength epoxy resin-based 2C bodywork filler compound suitable for cold application as a lead-free alternative to hot soldering with tin.
Ready-to-use, 1-component water-based filler
Polyester resin-based TIN-Metallic filler with aluminium pigmentation for vehicle construction and vehicle repairs
Elastic contour filler, specifically for use on paintable plastic parts
Laminating resin for repairing larger holes and damage to GFRP parts in conjunction with glass fibre mats and fabric
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