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61개 버전의 품목 19개를 찾았습니다.
To push into the hole
Brush ensures a closed, flexible opening
Creates additional storage space without restricting leg room
Stylish transport box for personal work equipment
For bridging table frames up to 50 mm in height
Lockable drawer, powder-coated steel
The beakers can be easily adjusted to the side bars and create a modern individual colour accent
The ergonomic monitor arm for individual monitors impresses not only with its slim and timeless aesthetics, but also with its very high-quality workmanship
High-quality flexible cable routing adjustable to the height of the desk or office table
Flexible cable routing that adapts to the height of the desk
Universal, adjustable holder for tablets from 7 to 13 inches and smartphones
Adjustable PC holder for mounting underneath desks
For fixing the SLIM cable chain to the table frame
Creates additional storage space without restricting leg room, including non-slip mat
The ergonomic monitor arms for two monitors are effective not only due to their slim and timeless aesthetics, but also thanks to their very high-quality workmanship
Particularly suitable for mounting sneeze guard screens, privacy screens and dividers with a thickness of 2 mm to 40 mm
Lockable drawer, with rotating front panel for left and right lock positioning
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