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214개 버전의 품목 15개를 찾았습니다.
Full-thread screw made of high-quality austenitic A2 stainless steel with visually pleasing, rounded raised countersunk head for fastening metal to wood in outdoor areas exposed to the elements
Universal full-thread screw with raised countersunk head for fastening nickel-plated fittings to wood or wooden materials in furniture construction, shopfitting or interior construction in indoor dry or sheltered areas
Universal full-thread screw with raised countersunk head for fastening zinc plated fittings to wood or wooden materials in furniture construction, shopfitting or interior construction in indoor dry or sheltered areas
Take the use of new materials into account
Ideal for fixing fences, balconies, walkways, play equipment in permanently exposed outdoor environments.
For universal use in furniture construction, fitting attachments, shopfitting and interior finishing
Special partial-thread screw made of high-quality austenitic A2 stainless steel with rounded raised countersunk head for visually appealing fastening of wooden façades in outdoor areas exposed to the elements
Steel, blue galvanised, full thread, raised countersunk, PZ recessed head.
For universal use in furniture construction, shopfitting, fitting attachments and interior fittings.
Universal full-thread screw with raised countersunk head for fastening brass-plated fittings to wood or wooden materials in furniture construction, shopfitting or interior construction in indoor dry or sheltered areas
Manufacturing and testing processes ensure consistent high quality for professionals
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