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76개 버전의 품목 20개를 찾았습니다.
Extra-heavy wide cable ties
For use in applications involving direct contact with food, retrievable using detection devices such as metal detectors, x-ray devices or visual detection systems
For continuous operating temperature up to +115°C
Special cable tie with fastening tab
Quick marking and bundling of cable bundles
Cable connector for lashing – weather-resistant polyamide 6.6
Angle clamp – weather-resistant nylon 6.6
For fastening to running gear or bodywork after tying
With moulded, movable locking head for 90° insertion of the tie
(Outer diameter 25 mm) and hole centring (drill 11-12 mm hole)
Triple-loop cable ties
Flat closure
Flexible cable tie
Double-loop cable ties
For use in applications involving contact with food, retrievable using detection devices such as metal detectors, x-ray devices or visual detection systems
For fastening to bodywork or running gear before tying
Double-clamp cable ties
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