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기업 고객 전용 판매
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165개 버전의 품목 25개를 찾았습니다.
Universal weight with silver-grey powder coating
For Mercedes-Benz aluminium rims, coated
Impact weight for Japanese aluminium rims (JJ-Horn)
For coated safety spoke weights made from zinc
For cut-off
1000 steel adhesive weights on the roller for cutting off
In bulk pack
For Mercedes-Benz steel rims, coated
Form 74-2. Spring for safety spoke weights made from zinc, coated
With innovative geometry for installation that is even quicker and easier
Fingerlift (protrusion on protective film) enables the protective film to be gripped and removed easily, even when wearing gloves.
Original Mercedes-Benz part
OEM quality
On a roll for cut-off
Fast removal from the vehicle rim leaving no residue
With black powder coating for black steel rims
Original part of Ford Transit and Ford Transit Custom from 05/2014
Form 74-1. Spring for safety spoke weights made from zinc, coated.
From the original equipment for VW, Opel and Volvo
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