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168개 버전의 품목 50개를 찾았습니다.
Wooden attachment point for floor mounting
Anchor point for locking or screwing into steel surfaces.
Single anchor point with DIBt approval for weak wooden surfaces
Attachment point with or without projection
Anchor point ABS Lock III-B, the all-rounder for concrete
Anchoring device for securing to wooden substrates
Strong securing device for securing systems on flat concrete roofs.
Fall arrester system with integrated fall indicator for quick and easy installation in concrete by way of the tried-and-tested Würth anchor technology
ABS Lock H 16 with support tube
Single anchor point for fixing in concrete with DIBt National technical approval Z-14.9-692. Mounting with Würth chemical injection mortar WIT-VIZ and anchor rod W-VIZ-A/A4 M16 (hef 125) or W-VIZ-IG/A4 M16x120 (female thread)
Anchor point / securing device for round flange seam, rotatable by 360°
Anchor point for securing through concrete surfaces.
Small attachment point with great effect on folding roofs.
Fall arrester for fragile corrugated panel roofs
Anchor point for bonding in concrete surfaces
Securing device with general technical approval (abZ) for trapezoidal sheet roofs.
Fit for your safety harness system – subsequently reinforce anchor points with a support tube
Simply attach fall arresters for sandwich roofs from the top
Fall arrester system with integrated fall indicator for quick and easy fastening in aerated concrete
Metal seam roof with safety harness system. Also guided over the ridge.
Almost invisible: ABS-Lock Loop fall arrester for steep roof
One roof safety hook for all directions
Fall arrester system for easy and quick attachment to metal structures with machine screws
Anchor point for fixing with drop-in anchors in concrete surfaces.
Fall arrester for the folding roof, simply clamped on the round flange – or standing seam.
Mobile system for fastening personal protective equipment against falling. For use with: W-MAP 1 terminal
A simple principle! Your attachment point for wooden beams.
Anchor point for penetration-free mounting with counter plate around steel girders.
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