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56개 버전의 품목 36개를 찾았습니다.
To connect the high pressure service connection on the car air-conditioning unit to the leak detection additive stick.
For vehicles with R1234YF refrigerant
90°, angled screw adapter with 1/4 SAE female thread x service connection, low-pressure
Screw-on adapter for filling all associated air conditioning fluids
Suitable for Battery/charging system tester art. no.: 0772800100
For the safe storage and transportation of 10 kg steel gas cylinders
Straight screw adapter with 1/4 SAE internal thread x service connection, high and low pressure
Protects your A/C service unit against contaminants such as UV contrast agent, leak stop agent etc.
For topping up leak detection additive (art. no. 0892764010) via the low-pressure side
90°, angled screw adapter with 1/4 SAE female thread x service connection, high-pressure
The straight quick-action coupling for refrigerants R134a and R1234yf offers easier access to high/low-pressure service connections that are difficult to access due to plastic covers.
Replacement valve for service connections on car air conditioning system R134a
For filling leak-stop additive, art. no. 0892764776, in R1234yf vehicle air conditioning units
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90°, angled screw adapter with 1/4" SAE female thread x service connection, low-pressure