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16개 버전의 품목 8개를 찾았습니다.
Extremely adhesive, versatile adhesive tape for air- and wind-proof bonding of roof underlay membranes, vapour barriers and vapour retarders and for airtight joint adhesion of OSB panels.
High-quality, paper-based adhesive tape for indoor use for permanent airtight bonding. Protects against moisture and mould growth in the insulation. Ideal for ecologically friendly construction.
Adhesive sealing tape with extremely high adhesive force for demanding air- and wind-tight bonding both indoors and outdoors. Strong adhesive film adheres permanently to many substrates, in particular Wütop thermal membranes.
Very strong adhesive tape without release paper for fast application, for airtight and windproof bonding indoors and outdoors
The colour-coordinated adhesive tape for STAMISOL Color façade membrane provides long-lasting secure bonding
Special adhesive tape for the permanent wind- and condensation-proof bonding of underlay membranes and roof protection films. With a UV resistance of eight weeks, it is especially suitable for outdoor use.
Special adhesive tape for corner bonding and edge bonding
Particularly adhesive, UV- and weather-resistant adhesive tape for airtight and wind-tight bonding of underlay membranes and roof protection films, vapour barriers, vapour retarders and façade membranes.
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