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31개 버전의 품목 22개를 찾았습니다.
The modular design fits all 4 mm plug-in connectors
Ideal for short-circuit troubleshooting on electric and electronic systems
Plug and socket can be connected separately and the function can be measured in parallel in a closed line. Very useful for testing sensors.
Ideal for connecting or extending measuring leads
Double-insulated, 1.2 m silicone measuring leads, each with 1 x 4 mm safety plug, straight
Including cable tapping adapter for cables up to 3.3 mm diameter
Suitable for cable diameters up to 4 mm
Needle-shaped test tips angled on one side
Double-insulated, 1.2 m silicone measuring leads, each with 1 x 4 mm safety plug, angled
Rated voltage <50 V
Ideal for establishing electrical contact for control systems such as injection nozzles, MAP sensors, TPS sensors and Weather-Pack connectors
Conforms to requirements of IEC/EN 61010-2-031
Test tips are compatible with all 4 mm measuring leads
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