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83개 버전의 품목 36개를 찾았습니다.
100 % lead- and cadmium-free
M2-M8 (short and standard), including Voron and 1/4 in-20. Brass (lead- and cadmium-free).
Brass (lead- and cadmium-free), double knurled for secure seating, can be melted in thermoplastics.
HT adhesion promoter for high-temperature filaments such as PEEK.
Everything you need for the secure adhesion of 3D prints. Magigoo PA is an easy-to-use 3D printing bed adhesive for polyamide materials. Magigoo was developed to overcome the difficulty of bonding the initial layer. As soon as the print is ready and the panel has cooled down, the models can be easily removed from the panel with just slight pressure.
The DIANOZ 3D printer nozzle ensures uniform material extrusion, smooths the component surface during printing and offers maximum wear protection even with highly abrasive materials.
PA adhesion promoter for polyamide.
PPGF adhesion promoter for glass-filled polypropylene.
PC adhesion promoter for polycarbonate
M2-M8 (short and standard). Brass (lead- and cadmium-free).
Everything you need for the secure adhesion of 3D prints. Magigoo PC is an easy-to-use 3D printing bed adhesive for polycarbonate materials. Magigoo was developed to overcome the difficulty of bonding the initial layer. As soon as the print is ready and the panel has cooled down, the models can be easily removed from the panel with just slight pressure.
M3 short (100 pieces) + M4 short (50 pieces) + M5 short (50 pieces). Brass (lead- and cadmium-free).
Standard adhesion promoter for PLA, ABS, HIPS, PETG and TPU.
M3 standard (100 pieces), M4 standard (50 pieces), M5 standard (50 pieces). Brass (lead- and cadmium-free).
The Magigoo Coater offers you a reliable bonding layer for your printing process in order to reduce the deformation effect.
Everything you need for the secure adhesion of 3D prints. Magigoo PP is an easy-to-use 3D printing bed adhesive for polypropylene materials. Magigoo was developed to overcome the difficulty of bonding the initial layer. As soon as the print is ready and the panel has cooled down, the models can be easily removed from the panel with just slight pressure.
Adhesion promoter set for PA, PC, PP and original (PLA, ABS, HIPS, PETG and TPU).
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