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27 articoli con 147 versioni trovati
Brass female thread/female thread DVGW gas with hand lever
KFE male thread/male thread, heavy-duty design
Brass female thread/female thread DVGW water with wing handle
KFE male thread/male thread with cap, chain and hose screw connection
Brass female thread/male thread DVGW water with wing handle
KFE female thread/male thread, heavy-duty design
Mini female thread/female thread
KFE male thread/male thread, heavy-duty design, self-sealing
KFE male thread/male thread with cap and chain
Brass female thread/male thread with hand lever
Brass female thread/female thread with wing handle
Brass male thread/male thread with hand lever
Brass ISO Therm male thread/male thread
Brass male thread/male thread with wing handle
Brass female thread/male thread with wing handle
Brass female thread/female thread DVGW water with hand lever
Brass ISO Therm female thread/male thread
Brass female thread/male thread DVGW water with hand lever
Brass with female thread/female thread with hand lever
Boiler fill/drain cock DVGW male thread/male thread with cap and chain
Boiler fill/drain cock DVGW male thread/male thread with wedge seal
Brass ISO Therm female thread/female thread
Mini female thread/male thread
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